
Balmain can assist Borrowers with a complete suite of commercial loans catering for loan sizes from as low as $500,000 to over $100,000,000.

Our suite of products range from funding real estate, whether a small shop or a multi-stage residential subdivision, to start-up warehouse funding for new lending programmes through to corporate debt for your expanding business.

And it’s not just Balmain’s own products that we can offer you, we also originate to over 100 other lenders if your needs are highly specialised.  The following categories should assist you in finding the correct type of loan to suit your requirements.


Real EState Loan

This is a ‘passive’ loan with generally only one advance at the beginning of the loan term and where the real estate is not going to be significantly altered during the loan term. These loans range from 12-60 months in duration. We generally prefer shorter loan terms (12-18 months) for properties that require some level of work (minor construction, re-leasing, etc.) and longer-term (18-60 months) for stabilised properties. Interest is normally paid monthly although can be capitalised for shorter loan terms.


Site Acquisition

Real EState Loan

Looking to acquire land for your next project? Balmain is able to help. We can assist with funding site acquisitions across all stages of the approval cycle from rural zoned land through to permit approved ‘ready-to-go’ projects. Advance rates (LVR) tend to be higher the more certain the planning outcome, starting at ~30% for rural zoned land and rising as high as 60% for permitted development sites.



Real EState Loan

A multi-drawdown loan to fund construction works for subdivisions, multi-stage and high-rise development for both residential and commercial assets. This loan type suits developers with a level of experience and is a fairly typical product. Cost to complete funding based on independent assessment, capitalised interest and repaid from the proceeds of sales. If you intend to keep what you are building, we can build in an investment loan to replace the construction loan on completion.


Residual Stock

Real EState Loan

If your development is completed and you require funding to hold the remaining stock until it is sold this product is for you. It can follow on from our construction loan to you (most common) or it can replace your construction lender on completion of the building works. This product allows you to repay the loan from sales revenue at any time without any early repayment penalties and is a useful product for ‘sell-downs’.



Real EState Loan

If your loan requirements exceed senior funders’ appetites, we can provide additional, second-ranking loans to assist in your funding requirements. Mezzanine or ‘gap’ funding ranks behind the senior loan but ahead of your equity. It is generally more expensive than senior finance but can provide the extra dollars you need to get your project underway.


Preferred Equity

Real EState Loan

As an alternative or extension to Mezzanine finance, Preferred Equity can provide even higher advance rates to you but is quite a different product. Our Preferred Equity may require an interest rate and/ or a profit share and therefore we will get a little more involved in your project to protect our position. This product is generally best suited to experienced developers.


Corporate Facilities

Balmain can provide Asset Based corporate finance (ABL) to mid to large tier private companies and small to mid-tier public companies. The loan is secured by group assets (accounts receivable, equipment, inventory, property, etc.) and is often funded on a revolving basis. Generally for terms of 24+ months and predominantly for sophisticated corporates. This type of ABL corporate lending dominates corporate finance in the USA. A less common product here in Australia but a well-proven corporate finance route to maximise the efficiency of your corporate debt.


Home Loans

This is a very well serviced part of the market and well catered for by the major banks. Balmain also has access to home loan products, including its own, and may be useful for you if your requirement is a little more complicated (buying in a company name, investment loans, a property you are buying for another family member, etc.). If you are struggling with the banks or just need a faster approval (which we can do) please let us know.


Cars and Equipment

Balmain, through Metro Finance in which Balmain is a major shareholders, can satisfy all of your finance needs in respect of your cars and equipment. Metro has both retail and commercial products at your disposal for finance up to $500,000. Just drop us a line and we will organise your lease!


Warehouse Loans

Balmain is able to provide high advance rate, ‘early-doors’ warehouse funding for new lending entrants to the market across all asset types. We can also assist you with structuring, administration and management through AMAL and AMAL Trustees. As a one-stop-shop we can both fund and administer your new lending programme during its early stages until you are big enough to attract mainstream banking support.



Balmain welcomes the introduction of both borrowers and investors by other industry participants such as brokers, advisors, planners, lawyers and accountants.

So if you know someone that might want to use any of Balmain’s broad suite of products, please let us know ASAP. You will receive remuneration (disclosed) for all introductions … and the more the better it is.


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