
Balmain has a range of products to which both retail and sophisticated investors can subscribe.

Balmain Opportunity Trust

(wholesale scheme for sophisticated investors)

You are eligible to invest in BOT if you are a ‘sophisticated investor’.  According to Section 708(8)(c) of the Corps Act, in order to be considered a ‘sophisticated investor’ your accountant needs to certify every two (2) years that you have either earned a gross income of more than $250,000 per annum for the last two years or hold net assets of at least $2.5 million.

BOT invests in a range of debt-related investments as described in its Information Memorandum including mortgages, special opportunities, lending programmes and other debt products. BOT makes monthly distributions to its investors.

BOT has been operating since 2015 and currently has funds under management of ~$1.8bn. Investments can be made at any time and can be withdrawn in full twice a year. Investors may also withdraw up to 10% of their investment at any time.

BOT is online and easy to use, providing historical data and live reporting. Investors (and/or their authorised representative) are able to manage their BOT investment portfolio via an Investor/Adviser Control Console (ICC) which details your current investments and allows you to invest and withdraw per the terms of your investment. 

Information Memorandum

Balmain Opportunity Trust (BOT)

BOT is open to Wholesale / Sophisticated Investors only.

The investments offered by BOT have been selected, credit accepted, funded and are managed by the Balmain Group.

Download the Class A Information Memorandum

Balmain Discrete Mortgage Income Trusts
(Balmain Private)

(registered retail managed investment scheme ARSN 155 909 176)

Build a portfolio of investments in individual first mortgages - online.

Balmain Private provides exclusive opportunities for investors to subscribe to individual first mortgage secured loans that have been credit approved and settled by Balmain. We use the word ‘discrete’ to highlight that you only are investing in a single mortgage, not a portfolio of mortgages. This way you choose to invest only in the ones that you like. Each investment offering comes with its own SPDS (Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement) which will provide you with ample information to make informed decisions.

Balmain Private was established to meet the needs of individuals and their companies, their family trusts and their superannuation funds. Cash distributions are paid monthly and the term of your investment is the term of the underlying loan. This is generally between 6-18 months.

The Balmain Private offer is online, allowing you to transact when convenient and once invested is paperless. It is easy to use and provides live investing and reporting. Investors (and/or their authorised representative) can manage all of their Balmain Private portfolio via either a mobile APP or desktop Investor/Adviser Control Console (ICC) which details your current investments and allows you to invest and withdraw per the terms of your investment.

Get the facts

Balmain 30-Day Notice Monthly Income Trust


The Balmain 30-Day Notice Monthly Income Trust (30BIT) is designed to allow investors the opportunity to invest in a fund managed by Balmain that pays distributions and which allows withdrawals with just 30 days’ notice.

30BIT invests in a range of Investments but always maintains 20% liquidity. Together with a stand-by liquidity facility, 30BIT will have sufficient liquidity to redeem 50% of the units on issue at any time.

30BIT has been designed to generate a return 2.50% over the Cash Rate which is paid to Investors monthly.

30BIT is managed by the Balmain Group (Balmain), Australia’s largest and longest established commercial private credit provider. Launched in 1979, Balmain has focussed on commercial real estate lending and arranged over $51BB in commercial loans for both our borrowers and our investors.

30BIT was specifically established by the Trustee to meet the needs of investors seeking regular income. Investor types include high net worth, self-managed super fund, family offices and charitable institutions.

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Balmain Investment Partners Trusts (BIP)

You are eligible to invest in a BIP if you are a ‘sophisticated investor’.  According to Section 708(8)(c) of the Corps Act, in order to be considered a ‘sophisticated investor’ your accountant needs to certify every two-(2) years that you have either earned a gross income of more than $250,000 per annum for the last two years or hold net assets of at least $2.5 million.

From time-to-time Balmain identifies opportunities for investment which do not readily fit the investment parameters of BOT, Balmain Private or B60.

In these circumstances we may offer investors the opportunity to invest in these transactions which come under the broad heading of a ‘BIP’.  We have decided to extend this offering to existing Balmain investors.  You need only to advise us of your desire to see these opportunities to be included in the offer.  It’s up to you whether you invest once you have read the Information Memorandum.

To date the 14 previous BIPs were for such diverse transactions as acquiring non-performing loans, providing venture capital, corporate expansion loans, marina acquisitions, etc.  The BIPs are private/ wholesale schemes.

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