Balmain originates loans for most lenders operating in the commercial property sectors and has originated over $28bn of secured loans (circa 15,000 transactions) in the last 20 years. Balmain’s established origination and client base gives it a cycle resistant advantage for new players entering into commercial lending. Over 80% of annual originations (circa $4B per annum) are to existing client relationships.
EnquireBalmain operates a specialised credit underwriting and management team, which has underwritten over $8.00bn of senior secured loan transactions in the last 5 years. The Credit Team currently oversees and manages over $5.00bn of secured loans across various loan portfolios including commercial debt, auto finance and asset backed lending.
The credit team also manages collections (recovering under-performing debt) in conjunction with AMAL. Lenders usually provide service level agreements as to how they want the debts recovered, normally AMAL does the early stages (letters, etc.) and Balmain takes over if that is not sufficient.
EnquireBalmain is a 89.75% owner of AMAL Asset Management (AMAL) which is the primary servicer of $11BB of mortgage receivables across 10,000 customers. AMAL provides primary and back-up mortgage administration to 100+ bank and non-bank lenders. AMAL has been rated as a “Strong” Servicer by Standard & Poor’s (the highest available rating) since 2005 and has held accreditation with SAI Global Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2008) for the last 18 years. AMAL also manages significant trade receivables, equipment leasing & finance and consumer portfolio loans.
EnquireBalmain is a 65% owner of AMAL Trusteess which is a specialist wholesale corporate trustee business (securitisation, syndicated loans, managed investment trusts and fund services). AMAL Trustees offers the full range of services (Responsible Entity, Trustee, Security Trustee, Document Custody, Trust Management, Fund Administration/Registry and Accounting Services) with direct interfaces to its clients back-end servicing platforms. AMAL Trustee has over $7bn in Funds Under Administration with over 130 deals and 80 clients.
EnquireBalmain is the largest special servicer/ equity participant of purchased NPLs in Australia across multiple asset classes. Since 2008 the group has been appointed Special Servicer on $4.50bn of acquired debt ($9.00bn of face value) secured by CRE (Mobius, BOSI, Suncorp, GE Commercial, Banksia, Gippsland, etc.). Major clients include Morgan Stanley, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Bain, Macquarie Bank, etc. Total collections to date exceed $8.00bn.
EnquireBalmain regularly provides start-up capital (from senior loans through to equity) for new lending initiatives. Generally, Balmain will require that the lending programme will, or intends, to retain Balmain/AMAL in respect of the programme administration.